板橋 準一

Junichi Itahashi

Square Paintings


All paintings are oil on canvas. Click on image to see larger view.

(Photographs are not to scale) Upon special request, alternate and higher resolution
photographs of the artworks are available.

"A Beach"        15in x 15in        $750


"Four Sears and Skies"        18in x 18in        $750


"Four Seas"        18in x 18in        $750


"91-5"        24in x 24in        $750


"SU 8-9-00"        30in x 30in        $1250


"Snow Bound"        26in x 24in        $1250


"SU 00-8"        36in x 36in        $1500


"Divisions-II"        24in x 24in        Sold


"Landscape-88"        24in x 24in        Sold


"Study-005"        36in x 36in        Sold